Power Plant Performance By Gill Pdf Reader
Gas turbine heat balance analysis uses plant measured data as input, and solves conservation of mass and energy plus chemical combustion equations to yield additional information about the current state of the gas turbine. The calculated heat balance data is information that can be directly inferred from the measured data, and is as accurate as the measured data that was input to the analysis. There is no assumption about the performance of the gas turbine in the heat balance analysis. The heat balance outputs include the impacts of any degradation that may exit. Redundancy in Gas Turbine Measurements •GT’s typically have more measurements than needed for heat balance •Can choose to calculate one parameter from measured values of other parameters –Nozzle Area –Fuel Flow –Power –Exhaust Temperature –Fuel Heating Value •GE default is to calculate fuel flow •If measured fuel flow is accurate, can track nozzle area as degradation parameter •Data Validation –Use Least-Squares to find the heat balance that matches all measurements as closely as possible –Gives estimate of measurement accuracy –Can identify a bad measurement.
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