Introduction To Botany Nabors Ebooking
Description Introduction to Botany's comprehensive coverage captures students' attention and teaches them why plants are a fascinating and essential part of their everyday lives. The clear, concise text highlights four major themes—plants and people, conservation biology, evolution, and biotechnology—and gives students practical and relevant information about the world of botany. Thematic boxes throughout each chapter dig deeper into the relationship between plants and students' lives.
Nabors' clear and engaging writing style keeps students interested in the science without ever becoming encyclopedic. The Botany Place Website offers a wealth of online resources to help students succeed in the course. • Thematic boxes highlight four important themes in botany today—plants and people, conservation biology, evolution, and biotechnology—revealing to students how plants are relevant to their everyday lives. • The Intriguing World of Plants boxes in every chapter include entertaining and engaging information about plants to capture students' attention and motivate them to learn more about botany. • Section Review questions at the end of every major section reinforce key concepts and test students' understanding of what they have just learned. • Appropriate length makes the book manageable for the majority of one-semester mixed- and non-majors introductory botany courses. • Balanced coverage includes the appropriate level of scientific rigor while covering just the right amount of material.
• Engaging and accessible writing style brings the world of botany alive for students by emphasizing how plants are both fascinating and essential to their everyday lives. • End-of-Chapter materials: • Questions for Thought and Discussion strengthen critical-thinking skills by encouraging students to apply the material they have just learned. • Learn More section provides further reading for students who want to learn more about topics covered in the chapter.
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