Freddie The Goldfish Game Clip
Game Shakers is a series from veteran showrunner, the tenth series he has created for that network. The premise of the series revolves around a group of 7th grade students who, when trying to come up with a science project to turn in for class, instead accidentally create a hit video game that turns them into millionaires overnight. They then team up with a rapper and a professional gamer to churn out more hit video games. As a promotional tie-in with the series, Nickelodeon will also release games inspired by the creations on the show for viewers to play through their website as well as some as actual smartphone game apps. Clips and other informational snippets of the show can be seen on Nickelodeon's official web page for the show. Tropes Demonstrated in Game Shakers: •: In 'The One with the Coffee Shop', Trip had an annoying girl named Candace who talked and laughed annoyingly.
She bordered in when it was revealed she knew Trip was back at the cafe because she put a tracking device on him. As with most of the things in the episode, she was an Expy of Janice, a similar character to Chandler on Series/Friends.

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•: In 'Scared Tripless', this was part of the prank Double G played on the kids, primarily his son. Since the previous Halloween, he had been taking small amounts of venom so he can fake his death after being bitten by a snake. While it is successful, he forgets that snake bites can become infected and the doctors have to give him a shot in his butt to prevent it. •: A running gag in 'Babe's Bench' where a man dressed as a baby, complete with a onesie and a diaper, likes to sit on the bench.
•: Me Go in 'Me.Go the Freakish Robot'. It starts out as a normal robot, but becomes very attached to Hudson, missing him when he is gone. At the end Me.Go tries to kill Trip when he made Hudson late coming back from their trip. •: Double G, whose real name is Gale Griffin.
Also Triple G, whose real name is Grover Griffin. •: Hudson has one. •: The gang go to meet Nathan Kress to determine who Freddie loved on. •: In the first episode, 'Sky Whale', Babe and Kenzie are trying out an invention of a moving dinner plate. It explodes, leaving both girls with a lot of soot all over them. • Done again in 'Babe's Bench' when Babe, off-screen, has to put out a fire on their bench.
She comes back to Game Shakers with her face and arms ashy. •: Meego in 'Revenge at Tech Fest' • •: The series is set in NYC. •: Kenzie, Babe, and Trip have no problem telling Double G (their sponsor) that the game he created sucks. •: In 'The Trip Trap', Trip's new girlfriend is more interested in Dub than in Trip and is only hanging with Trip to get closer to his father. Babe and Kenzie think but after exposing her, Trip is upset because he didn't care about being used as she was hot. •: Combined with in 'Game Shippers' where Dub, played by Kel Mithchell, says is not as funny as. •: The first episode has it played for laughs when Hudson tries giving Kenzie CPR.for shock.
He does it by lifting her up and applying pressure. Not pretty, but no unfortunate side effects either.
•: Kenzie's Blip-It game and Double-G's nostalgia for having it in his youth ends up being what leads him to work with the Game Shakers instead of ruining them. •: Double G in 'Baby Hater' is shown to, well,. It doesn't help his mayoral candidacy when he says this on camera.
•: 'A Reggae Potato Christmas'. •: Hudson and Double G.
•: Trip's rich friends in 'Trip Steals the Jet' complain about everything on the flight back knowing the pilots have just bailed and Kenzie, Babe, and Trip must fly the plane by themselves. They don't even acknowledge that the trio have saved their lives. •: In 'Revenge @ Tech Fest', Dub gets his arm replaced with a bionic arm so the doctors can fix his real arm. In the next episode (start of next season), he gets his regular arm back, albeit atrophied. •: Deciding if is a TV show or not is continued in the universe. In one episode, Babe takes over a screen in the classroom and shows a episode. In 'Tiny Pickles', Helen, a character from is shown as a talk show host.
• The 'Tiny Pickles' episode had Helen, the principal from now with her own talk show in NYC, where she was about to have Matt Bennett, who played Robbie in, as a guest. • In 'Game Shippers', is revealed to be a TV show they enjoy even though the above iCarly is in the same universe as (see right above). • In 'War and Peach', the gang watch a clip that showed Helen, who they already met in 'Tiny Pickles'. •: In 'The Girl Power Awards', Trip and Hudson are upset about Babe and Kenzie being invited to the title awards event since they are also part of the business. To remedy this, they dress up as girls in order to attend. Babe and Kenzie automatically know it is them. •: Hudson, to the point where the Game Shakers are trying to escape from Double-G and his crew, he tries to hide behind a PENCIL.
•: The opening theme is performed by Kel Mitchell, who plays Double-G. •: Taken literally in the special 'Danger Games'. When deciding where to take a vacation, Kenzie, Trip, Babe, and Hudson have a contest to see who can draw the best straw. Babe and Trip use paper while Kenzie and Hudson use their tablets.
•: Double-G gets the chance to sing with Diana DeVane, a long-retired singer he's idolized for years. He makes the girls hire Diana's horrible stepson to work for them long enough to get the chance to cut the album and do a which point it turns out the reason Diana has been retired is because an operation rendered her voice a screeching howl that causes pain to anyone who hears it. Her manager waits until after Double-G has signed the contract to pay Diana for the song no matter what to reveal this as apparently that's how the woman makes her money now. Even more amazing is that Diana honestly thinks she's still fantastic, ignoring the looks of horror of everyone around her. •: Definitely Hudson. In fact, he is the only main character who is blonde.
•: In 'Shark Explosion', it is revealed by Trip's mother that his first name is Grover. He is visibly embarrassed when his mother calls him that.
•: When Double-G tells the Game Shakers they stole his song, they try to explain that all they did was put it in their game and post the game online.which they realize is stealing. •: In the second part of 'Clam Shakers', The Clam Jumper restaurant is shown to have a character named the Clam Burglar, a look-alike of 's Hamburglar.
• The Three Dingbats from 'Babe's Bench' are expies of. •: When the kids are trying to demonstrate making a new video game in front of rapper Double-G who has agreed to become their new sponsor, and things go awry. •: In effect in 'Trip Steals the Jet'. After the pilots both jump out, It is up to Trip, Kenzie, and Babe to fly the plane. Trip, a video game player states that he might be able to do it, but is knocked out.
•: Double G, to the point of even wearing a mask of his own face. •: • It wouldn't be a show otherwise. Already before the series premiers we have the rapper name '. • In the first episode, you have Kenzie's grandmother's gift of an old 'Blip-It' toy with a message on the back: 'I hope you always think of me when you blip it'. To drive the point further, Hudson starts giggling rather hard after that. • In 'The Diss Track', Bunny and Ruthless go vacation on the Dude Cruise, which they assume is a cruise ship for dudes. When they return, they explain that the Dude Cruise wasn't anything like they expected, while exchanging glances.
It's implied that the cruise was actually a gay couples retreat. •: In “The Mason Experience”, Babe is upset Mason is moving so she and Kenzie design a virtual reality experience so she won’t be lonely, but she becomes so addicted to the game she refuses to take the goggles off. •: The students with their new video game company. •: 'Scared Tripless' •: Lampshaded in 'Tiny Pickles'. After Dub talks up- a non-existent game on national TV, the Game Shakers realize they will have to create the new game in very little time. Dub insists it will be fun, to which Babe deadpans that it will be a 'Montage of fun'.
•: Yet another such series from Dan Schneider who has made a name for himself with shows featuring kids who become celebrities ala. •: Double G made it a point to scare Trip relentlessly every Halloween, even when Trip was a year old.
•: Trip's tutor is a very attractive woman. While Trip isn't shown to be attracted to her, when they went to Babe, Hudson,and Kenzie's classroom, their teacher found her very attractive. •: Being on tour with his dad all the time means Triple-G rarely got to be with kids his own age, so he really wanted to go back to New York to do so. Double-G said he'd either have to go to school or get a job to go back. The former option is more realistic for a twelve year old boy, but as this is a Dan Schneider comedy on Nick, he got a job at Game Shakers instead.
•: So far, the only parents shown is Trip's dad, Double G, who is a main character, and his mom isn't shown until 'Shark Explosion'. Of the other three kids, the only family member shown between them is Kenzie's grandfather in the pilot episode. •: Double G in SPADES, there have been times where characters have called him out on his behavior. •: Right before the second commercial break in 'Bear Butt Laser Runner', Babe announces they have enough time to go to the bathroom and grab a snack before their meeting. In going with the nature of the episode, when they get back, about two minutes and 35 seconds have passed.
• At the end of 'Llama Llama, Spit Spit', A frustrated Double G storms out of the Game Shakers building yelling, 'I'm done with this episode!' •: The games featured on the Nickelodeon website based on the ones featured in the show, with some even being released as smartphone game apps. •: In 'Baby Haters,' the Tek-Force-9 phone was advertised as this and the company even stated they would give anyone $10,000 if they could break the phone.
Trip dropped his phone off of a tall building and even into a wood chipper, causing it no damage. •: Many times, Trip has been shown to get hurt, but nonetheless remain un-injured from things that would seriously injure someone of his age. • Hudson has shades of this also. One episode had Hudson getting hit by a cab twice. The second time, he flies through the air up to their doors with no injuries. •: In 'Byte Club', Trip decides to get out of a contract with another gaming company by biting Hudson's fake ear during a contest. However, during the confusion of the situation, he bit the wrong ear.
•: Double G tries to use his bodyguard Bunny 'having the mind of a child' tendencies to excuse Triple G not being allowed to stay with kids his own age. He also just so happens to be a business school graduate. • A literal example in 'Babe's Bench' with a man dressed in a onesie, carrying a blanket and sucking his thumb. •: The top of Double G's head catches on fire during his live Christmas show in 'A Reggae Potato Christmas' and he runs around in panic. It gets put out twice and lights back on fire. •: One episode has Trip and Hudson playing a game where they plant bottles of 'bass milk', an extremely disgusting drink, in places where the other might find them. If the unfortunate victim does find the bottle, they have to drink the whole thing, while the one who planted it there gets to enjoy his victim's suffering.
By the end of the episode, they've both been 'bass milked' so many times that they've gotten used to the taste and are actually starting to like it. •: In 'Revenge at Tech Fest' A involved Shelby, in the neighboring Girls Who Code booth, who was always was on the phone with her mother. The Game Shakers kept confusing what she was saying as she talked using. •: “The Mason Experience” ends with Babe still addicted to the Mason Kendall Experience, Hudson dancing with an air dancer, and Dub and Kenzie trying to fight off a mob of girls who want to try the game.
•: Ruthless incessantly shouts every line. •: Whatever happened to babe with peaches when she was younger that turned her off from them.
• Possibly explained in 'War and Peach' when it was revealed in third grade, Kenzie built a machine that could throw a peach at 90 mph. It hit Babe in the face. How To Program Ungo Sr6000 Remote.
•: A kids TV sitcom trying to play catchup with online gaming culture and YouTube personalities. The show also features guest appearances from YouTube personalities like, GloZell, and David Moss AKA Lasercorn from. •: Double G and Triple G, further nicknamed Dub and Trip. For Double G, it is his.
Only Dub's ex-wife/Trip's mother call them by their names, Gail and Grover. •: In 'Me.Go the Freakish Robot,' Double G freaks out when he finds out that Me.Go is trying to throw Triple G over the top of their roof and quickly rushes to save him; afterwards, Double G throws Me.Go over the rooftop and when they look at him surprised he says that the robot would have likely killed one of them eventually and the rest just go along after agreeing with him. •: In 'Revenge at Tech Fest', Meego is wearing a cape, sunglasses, a hat, and a fake mustache. No one is fooled.
•: Used in 'revenge at Tech Fest' whenever they showed Meego waking up and going to Tech Fest. It stops once he reveals himself to Trip and Hudson. •: The students are just regular middle-class kids but become overnight millionaires after they prove successful making popular video games. •: The events of 'Bear Butt Laser Runner' take the time of the episode.
Babe starts by announcing that in 20 minutes, they are going to have a video chat with a new company to produce a new game and they have to come up with a new idea since their previous game idea had already been released by another company. They even get five extra minutes when the company has to move the meeting back. Questionable that Dub, Bunny, and Ruthless could have gotten to his submarine and a few miles off the coast in the time given.
•: Subverted in 'Dancing Kids, Flying Pig' when the kids try to cheer up Dub, who is mourning the death of his pet pig by giving him a new pig. They blindfold him and tell him they have a surprise but Dub warns them it better not be a new pig. •: The students who get rich based off their success making video games. •: Discussed and partially averted in 'Babe's Bench'. Dub is eating a lot of food (mainly cheese) to gain weight as well as cutting his hair to get a role as Stumpy in the new remake of 'The Three Dingbats' (see Expy reference above). However, even though he got the role, it will be an animated film.
Dub complains that he gained weight and cut his hair for nothing but Babe reminds him that he did get the part. •: In 'Lost Jacket, Falling Pigeons', among the items that are in the Lost and Found are, an coffee mug, and a comic book.
• In 'Dirty Blob', Babe turns on ' for the class to watch. • In 'Tiny Pickles', the girls and Dub go on a talk show called 'Helen', apparently the same character that started on and later moved to Victorious. Dub later in the episode goes back on the talk show, replacing Matt Bennett (Robbie on Victorious) who is playing a song on a guitar from his show, and at the end, Matt is run over by a van, driven by his puppet from his show. • In 'Air Trip', the code to reverse the virus was revealed to be 8765309, the name of the song by Tommy Tutone.
• In 'Babe's Bench', Kenzie mentions 'the show with Bea Arthur about those ladies that are almost dead'. Same episode features a subplot where Dub auditions for a part in a movie based on a show called 'The Three Dingbats'. • In “Wedding Shower of Doom”, Dub’s brother Jordan said they were once in a boy band called “The Griffon Brothers”, which is similar to the Jackson 5, and their big break was supposed to be on The Ted Mulligan Show, an obvious parody of The Ed Sullivan Show. • The entirety of 'The One with the Coffee Shop' is this, bordering on an to Series/Friends from the episode title to the name and look of the cafe they went to 'I'll Be There for Brew', which is very similar to 'Central Perk'. • Also from that episode, Hudson sang the song 'You Married an Ugly Guy', which came from a skit from.
• In 'War and Peach', the gang saw the commercial, dubbed in Spanish, that Piper did in the episode 'The Love Shuttle Part 2'. •: is revealed to be this in the Game Shakers universe. •: In 'Lost Jacket, Falling Pigeons', Babe accidentally leaves her new $5,000 jacket on the subway. Her attempt to retrieve it before the subway leaves the station is in slo motion, including the NO! Before she rushes to get it. •: Invoked in-universe when a motion capture test for a new video goes not as planned, right in front of their new sponsor Double-G no less.
•: 'Double-G' as played by Kel Mitchell is pretty much just a straight name change of his 'Peezy-B' character from. Confirmed by Kel himself. • Bunny, Double G's assistant is played by the same actor who played Peezy-B's assistant Bunny in the same episode above. •: The first episode ends with Double G performing 'Drop Dat What' at a party to celebrate his partnership with Game Shakers.
•: Trip and Hudson. Also Bunny and Ruthless. •: In 'The One with the Coffee Shop', Kenzie is complaining to babe about being the one to do all of the work, ending by calling herself a 'Peon. Peon Kenzie'. The boys can't keep a straight face or help from giggling. •: The theme song was shortened in Season 2, removing the second verse and going straight to the chorus.
•: Said when Kenzie decides to push a button in the cockpit in 'Trip Steals the Jet'. It took the plane out of auto-pilot and they temporarily lost control of the plane.
•: At the very end of the third episode, a few disclaimers are shown, followed by the text 'Wow, you're still reading this?' Appearing on screen. •: One of the protagonists is called 'Babe.'
Nothing we've seen so far has suggested that this is a nickname. • Lampshaded with Trip's two rich friends, Landru and Pompay. Their answer is because their parents are rich.
Collector Search Failed Trial Edition Expired Amoxicillin on this page. •: Five minutes can't seem to pass without someone testing their lung capacity. •: In 'Babe's Bench', Babe confronts a man who is covering the bench she spent $60,000 on for advertising.
She taunts him whether he would hit a girl, to which he said no, but his sister would, and the woman means business.