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Oda was formed in 1970 in San Francisco, California and were brothers 'Randy Oda' (lead guitar, organ), 'Kevin Oda' (drums) along with 'Art Pantoja' (lead vocals, rhythm guitar) and 'Kyle Schneider' (bass guitar). The self-titled album (now known also as 'The Black Album') was originally released privately on 'Loud Records' (Loud LD 80011) in 1972 with a limited edition run of 1000 copies.
The band's biggest claim to fame was to win the local Battle of the Bands contest and later Oda won a video contest for 'Billboard Magazine'. Feist The Reminder Deluxe Edition Rapidshare Files here. Unfortunately the band broke up a couple of years after the release of this album but 'Randy Oda' would go on in the late '70s with 'Tom Fogerty' in the band Ruby, then to a reformed Oda in 1984.