Awesome Kong You Shoot Your Eye
Should You Buy a DSLR or Point and Shoot Digital Camera? A Post By: Darren Rowse“I’m using a compact point and shoot digital camera and i would like to ask it is. Awesome Kong/Kharma You Shoot Review: its fucking epic. I wanna see a Rob & Big style type reality show called Horn & Kong. The best shoot interview I.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. That means is that Wall Street Journal's global consumer technology to review Senseo in Hong Kong.
Jumping to the city. We finally get to start is that the. Most today is. Twenty for Sentry upgrade your old Levy You max. See how Komodo. Open Handicap control their mobile devices. That he has two million followers in this famous orders stop motion movie magic tricks to keep a lot of people wondering.
How did you do that. Well for twenty three year old and yes he is the young. At the BBQ in Hong Kong this October. Wall Street Journal's took on spoke to him. And asked him.
About how we did. Said today and care with Zach came now lot of people will never who he is or at least and his videos are in six sessions. Kontakt Player 4 Torrent Mac Os.
Q does amazing creations. Isaak think you. Are not always wanted to be able to have the technical skills that you have. All thank you I'd like she always one TV reporter.
Dylan Almaty will have to do something about that in Video Wall path that way well that the risk on a Sunday I mean. How long does it take to put together this handy as EXC second video you think like oh anyone can do that just better phones are filling for me it's really not the case sometimes will stands upwards of twenty four hours working on an entire line video. It's just arduous filming for three or four hours and then we're going to post a really get it and that's. In the editing process. Could take the whole day to tell us exactly like how technical this gets the actually a pretty technical a lot of times our.
Principles and takings of shooting a really a cyclical just freeze in place at DuPont and some will come into his lecture and you know that all. Continued action from there. On so what can be really simple cuts.
Other than Allaah taking a really complex and you know we do free motion tracking or whatever to really help the fact say you know feel like you have to protect your secret. Not all I would love your love when young kids you know me their videos like. A sigh of ions and I copied like five of aam checkin out all watching the bank.
You know they may not be perfect way out in a couple pointers in like. This incursion because that's where I was you know. When I was that age. In a e the Mana ties if you have a lot of footballers to start making a lot of money right away. I admit that going on right away and it's it's a long time to even grow an audience know it's really taking the six to seven years. And isn't the end of Mana ties for years. And to a kind of works right now because my conference very clean and family friendly and that.
Very helpful thing. For getting brands.
Q what's the hardest to be a thing. The HARDESTY a action the one we did last night was really complex.
And time wise unlike theory of concepts is the impact of this data in the eye. Me on the train. Something I had never done involving the camera coming through. So that was really good and we were riding the train for three hours trying to. Do it over over. What what's your favorite knitting into one of my favorites is one that I did my earliest ones in doing so simple is how I how I go to bed.
Some jumping on the bed in Atlanta my clothes. I distraught lights and sleep. I love that you can add. I can about them in a dynamic or second guess. What am I she's. Close to the Fit's falsely like that. Okay so where should we expect to see Zach came in.
Five ten years. I would love to be making feature films and the Spielberg ask drastic Park epic story but in feature film format. It's really cool when Co always wanted to make me Visalia that so funny but also one of the report are in a minute you and. You will you. Try something.
I wait to do is this. Company on the counter any. One two three. Lol you knew if you have a friend or family member suffering from a loss of mobility see from the spinal cord injuries or from a stroke when a device called to wish you. Might be something to consider it helps people control their mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. It's a way to control the wheelchair.
Of the film's content. Oh well we're smart devices dominate our everyday life. All still embattled building.
Might miss on using their smartphones. She'll be a Canadian company Komodo opened last. But people will limit the ability to this.
Control the device is controlling your wheelchair. Your PR route was won the first pastors three years ago. She entered her spinal cord the cows and five from falling off chairs circus at using all mobility from her shoulders down and left it at its collapsed I've. Been on my phone in silence will. Be different apps are on the keyboard to different letters.
He's the same rapid rate. Co-founder greasy home as I says it's just five minutes to reach the device to the hardware.
The only the Churchill once every few weeks. Depending on how to use it. Something we've tried to do it for that that they ignore that people are written in. With disabilities will hit the pavement. They are already being what we have to do about I would love to so we suggest they use the same kind of improvement but. Connected to our part where. She are all there was a learning curve.
She switches which I purchased was almost like this. But you should controls. Less than a tricky. Speaker the pad and. So disconnected from. The technology of tech seeing and checking emails on the go. Has also playing a video game and that our practice.
Is a multi speed here with us taking. And navigating the system. And this showed me how it works with two comments which is the steam power wheelchairs. By one or two of them in them.
The man who without. For Liverpool and I'm reading and reflecting. It looks easy. When I think it can be pricey seek ratio. I'll why don't you just just how many clicks I needed to use my sling shot in the morning Belle Isle was phones. Your CV to protect the Shiller and Android phones there. Are numerous Android apps Eminem lead tea is.
Said in a precarious but because certain app developers of high following. Accessibility guidelines. I'm certain will offered evidence these apps and that that is now working with Android developers chief fixed that's. Really felt lost in the States and Canada.
That means going up or if he buys month after what was guided to provide accessible. The bi system vehicle from. The shield is now on sale for three hundred and forty nine dollars. She said is the change her life and more connected to the well again because of such a culture that. Smartphone he's been texting and e mails on the go. I was divorced from the flat this technology. Now able to reach that to people like that it is a town of.
That and was unable to do that but. Who've been to. Access to the world of three D virtual reality is getting a little bit cheaper thanks to a device called on Turkey. It's a three D printed headset and it is popular smartphone right into. Reporter Jenny Marc by Zuma. Amenities the way I can do. It to be on that that that is the three D and it doesn't hold in their eyes.
It's our director of. All take a free gift of comfort and for the Jaktogo and we think you want to position on view at the view was the ante and this is altering its. Three D printed headset to turn your. Smartphone into virtual reality to the east. Three environment in the absence in your head. Today's bonds high risk reducing gyroscope spending compass work.
Mean they're ready for virtual reality. All that's missing. Is the part where. The head that efficient way to be allowed to go. Because the phone he concluded.
Four Pleasanton who think that going. Ahead it would be. Good to take from an. Auction compared to the Oculus rift that that's expensive.
Pizza corn calibration. For serious gamers. To get this cheap portable and good for quickly police is a virtual reality. When everyone. Wants to show an unfinished home. Hinted to me and for high-end gaming. Loopy sure they'll be perfect at it we feel the strong point for all of these on in education in museums.
I knew it was a conflict will to live and to also catch of the meat. The aspect of the key is is that as we predicted. The company plans to sell the stock models. The strategy is to suffer BIOS. Some before pictures can sell the products themselves.
Like Steve Huffman a Colorado based business done and protests there. Was an early investor.
Because of Aldrich's business. Kind of like. You may be just peachy. Critical part of our.
To stay relevant and more. Another world. Whatever correction is. One downside. They just aren't that many apps available to use of it is a. Yet three sixty.
Dollars and three hundred and sixty degrees. This as they can cost a total is eighty dollars. The price will be up to the distributor. To have as many secondary Salix as possible. What was going into it. Stephen King It Ebook Ita more. When it was possible. Given that the forthcoming parents and those.
To be an introduction to butchery of. That the contractor freelance manufacturers are going up this month. Start exploring virtual reality.
Alt against likes of REITs will. Help me carry.
And that is this the statistics for the full assault on Twitter. On Kong thanks for watching.