The Sims 3 Cigarette Smoking Mod For Sims
Cannibal MOD Update Update I have fixed the no kill sims issue. Vampires still cannot be killed they are inmortals. Please redownload new version 1.5 Now your sims can eat another sim with this MOD.
Jul 17, 2012 **** i have been getting a high volume of questions regarding mods not working. While i have no problems trying to help, there is only so much i can do as.

Just click on a target sim, choose cannibal MOD menu and eat iteraction, the sim will do the rest and meat from sim will appear so you can eat it, also the meat can be served at restaurant via editing the restaurant menu. The King Of Fighters Special Edition 2004 Hack Rom Gba on this page. This cant be possible without some code of Dramaticgamers Serial Killer mod, so many credit goes to him. Im awaiting his permission to use it in this mod, so if he dont want it i will delete it.
Just put the package and the script in the mods folder Here is a video. #necrodog #MOD #cannibal #cannibalism. Functional tobbaco expending machine aka Smoking MOD v2 Mini fix 7-10-2017 ———————————————– Hello some people are reporting that the unconfortable buff was persistent even if sim smokes another cigar so i have locked the unconfortable buff and leave only the happy buff. Please redownload. Thanks n_n ——————————————————- Hello i take your suggestions and i have improved the smoking mod. I create a tobbacco expending machine and going to thanks icemunmun for this because i use some of the code of her candy dispenser with permision.
This machine expends single cigarretes and cigars and packages of cigars and cigarretes. I also made a functional cigar and update the cigarrete with more buffs and can be put in inventory via the normal way or livedrag, after some time of not smoking an unconfortable buff appear for more tobbacco. So you need to replace the old cigarrete with this new version. The machine is located at Function–>decorative sculpts and cost 100 The single cigar, cigarrete and packages can be found on the same location and can be purchased via the expending machine or in buy mode and cost cigar 2 cigarrete 1 package of cigarretes 10 package of cigars 20 The packages can be opened and then 20 cigars or cigarretes appears in your sim inventory. Also im in touch with Basemental so he is going to help me to create an addiction buffs to this mod and im going to help him to add the smoke effects to his drugs mod (smoke weed).
So expect version 3 later. Hope you enjoy this update n_n #necrodog #object #animated #smoking mod #cigar #cigarrette.
Smoking MOD version 3 Updated for pets patch Hello I have been working at the smoking mod and I have improved the animation adding a lighter plus more effects. Now sims can smoke from the inventory or from the world i just the replace the cigarrete object by an ash tray and now sims also can smoke at surfaces or seated. Also the expending machine is included. The addiction system may be implemented with Basemental help in version 4. Here is a video with the new changes. #necrodog #object #animated #smoking mod #cigar #cigarrette. Medieval torture objects set 1 Hello.
I have finished this part 1 of a set of medieval torture objects for your sims. Two are functional and one works a s a fireplace.
Torture wheel. A functional torture wheel found at Function–>Decorative—>sculpts and cost 1000 Fake guillotine. Functional, found at Function–>Decorative—>sculpts and cost 1500 Brazen Bull. Works as a fireplace, found at Function–>Decorative—>fireplaces and cost 700 The wheel and the guillotine are animated and the fire on the wheel can be turn on or off. #necrodog #object #animated #medieval #torture objects. Functional reanimation machine. Hello Happy halloween.
Have you remember my reanimation machine from the mad scientist set at MTS? I have updated it and make it functional. You can resurrect ghost by this and resurrected sims get a buff that dress in stitchs and Lady frankenstein hair for about six hours. After that they return to normal clothing. Please comment if you want me to make a frankenstein monster trait with features for this. Here is a video in action. #necrodog #object #animated #reanimation machine # mad scientist.
Frankenstein Machine v1 with robot and cyborg traits. Hello, happy halloween.
I have updated and renamed the reanimation machine, now its the frankenstein machine because now you can create cyborg and robot sims with this along to ghost resurrection. I have made two traits cyborg and robot, both are inmortals can’t age, cyborgs acts like normal sims but have glowing eyes and reapers voice and robots only have fun, social and energy needs. Also they can’t swim in pools but shower and drink water, (going to change this in a future update) alos have reaper voice too. I have used Cepzid conversion of Sims 3 Simbot for the robot I have included in the package because I put all the clothing tags on it for show on all dressing forms include nude. Vampires and aliens cannot use this machine only in ghost form to resurrect. I have override the sim-swim iteraction for the robots to avoid swiming.
Download Free Email Outlook Pdf Student Web Designers there. Plase dowload this new version and comment what do i can improve for this traits and features you will like for this machine. Here is a teaser video. #necrodog #object #animated #reanimation machine # mad scientist #robot #cyborg.
Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. Not for sims though.
What it does. This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game.
How it works. To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). In live mode, click on the pack and select 'Have Smoke'. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. You can also click on the pack and select 'Show Contents' to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. Additionally, the pack can be put into inventory and the same options are available.