Harris Router Mapper Software Definition

Harris Router Mapper Software Definition

Hi all, I'm new here. In daily life I'm a re-recording engineer. I've bought some broadcast equipment items via eBay that I would like to use to automate the routing in a fairly complex home theater: a combination of Leitch Via32 + ABA2 XYp I have Routermapper from that I got through Imagine. Via RS422 we are able to communicate with the Via32 and ABA.

Harris Router Mapper Software Definition

Names can be given etc. However we can't seem to make the VIA 32 doing any routing.

Data warehouse - Wikipedia. The basic architecture of a data warehouse. In computing, a data warehouse (DW or DWH), also known as an enterprise data warehouse (EDW. Aug 15, 2017 Leitch RouterMAPPER by Leitch. Versions: 5.0. File name: EDITRTR.EXE.

What might be needed is RouterWorks software for further configuration (which I don't have). Also a full manual of VIA32 and ABA2 would be nice. And does anybody here now how this setup could work? Cheers, Thierry. Ayn Rand Der Ursprung Pdf Writer here.

I've installed a lot of Leitch X+ and Panacea systems over the years, and I think the Via32 is essentially similar to the X+, but larger. All of my Leitch manuals are at work, but one thing to check is what level your router crosspoints are set to. In a typical analog stereo audio/video router, the video is level 0 and the left and right audio channels are both level 1. If your control panel is only sending change requests to level 0, your audio matrix will ignore them. The other fix here is to set your control panel to simultaneously control all levels.

Also, many Leitch router chassis have destination offset switches. Make sure yours are at zero, or else your panel will need to have a matching offset. Thanks for the replies: I only have RouterMapper which I got after chatting online with somebody at Imagine Communications (previously Leitch / Harris) I don't have RouterWorks and don't seem to find it at Image's servers or anywhere on the internet. We were able to configure the ABA2 panel via a PC with RouterMapper connected over a USB to RS422 connection to the VIA32, so the whole control part seems to work. Everything is put to Level 0. No destination offsets. I also connected video sync at some point and that is reconised by the VIA32 audio router (LED goes on), though it didn't help making the switching work (not that I thought it would, but the VIA32 manual that I found on a chinese site seemed to imply that one needs to connect it in a setup).

That manual unfortunately stops at page 43, just where it starts talking about the controlling XY protocol. I don't have a complete VIA32 manual, nor can I find it on the net (anybody know where I can find it?) We programmed salvos for the the ABA2 successfully with RouterMapper. The only thing that doesn't work is the actual routing. Although I have triple-checked everything, when selecting a salvo, where I know things are diagonally connected from input 1 to 12, when measuring the DB25 hot and cold pinning between input and output, nothing comes through. I find it hard to believe that the VIA32 works successfully on the controlling (RS422 to XY) side, but would be broken for the audio boards (although it is possible of course, unfortunately there's no LED on the audio boards of any sort to see if it they are powered). Any other ideas?

Cheers, Thierry. 'If you are using separate audio boards, you need to set those levels. Typically level 0 is video, 1 and 2 are audio.'

Since I'm not switching video and you can define Levels from 0 to 7 I just put the panel and VIA32 at level 0 and stereo mode (so there is no extra level). But the actual switching doesn't seem to work as connections on the DB25 audio connectors are not made from input to outputs. AFAIK there's no relay on the boards, so I can't here switching, nor do I have visual confirmation on the VIA32 that it is actually doing something (apart from the fact it is communicating with the PC, RouterMapper and ABA2 for configuration). I hope I make myself clear. I wonder if with RouterWorks I could have feedback (maybe with that echo mode on) from the VIA32, so the PC soft could tell me something is not ok. The problem I have with the XYp protocol is that you can have panels such as the ABA2 I have, that can be configured to make crosspoints at certain levels (0 in this case). And then you can connect a bunch of routers in the XY loop, that are supposed to follow those crosspoints at their respective levels.

But AFAI understand it, the panels don't get feedback from the routers, that they are actually obeying the messages sent. Maybe I'm still misundestanding things? But I've even tried to put the ABA2 in non-PC mode with the dipswitch on the back. You then see just the basic INPUT 1, 2, 3 etc and OUTPUT 1, 2, 3. I take Destination Output 1 for example then switch to the sources and select INPUT 1, then press TAKE on the right hand side of the panel. Normally a connection between Input 1 and output 1 should be made in that case, and with a multimeter I should have no resistance between pin 13 (being the + of ch1 on the DB25) of INPUT 1 and OUTPUT 1.

This is not the case (nor on the B side. Cheers, Thierry. Couple more questions: 1) PID_Stop: 'The other fix here is to set your control panel to simultaneously control all levels.' I'm not sure how to set the panel to control all levels (0 to 7) at the same time with one salvo. 2) NECRAT 'Also make sure in the router works software, you have the correct matrix size.

It's a known glitch in the software that is easily overlooked, if you have the wrong matrix size, it can cause the panel to go stupid.' We have put the matrix size to 32x32 (and also to 32x19 at one point as we use 32 inputs and 19 outputs).

How does the ABA2 panel go stupid and how can you recognise this? Unless networked via an XY system, and the other panels are configured.' The ABA2 and VIA32 are XY connected with a 75ohm video cable and both ends are terminated with a 75ohm resistor Having this XY connection, do you call this a network? And does this avoid the 'going stupid' problem? 3) at some point we tested with VIA32 put to Level 2 with dispatches and ABA2 programmed in level 2 (showing connections on the third row on the display), but that didn't work either.

It's kind of frustrating that you can't check if the ABA2 is really sending a request on the XY and if the VIA32 receives it. Cheers, Thierry. The story ends well: the nice folks at Imagine send me the links to the manuals. I also connected to the VIA with a terminal program and all communication and levels seemed to be ok. The one thinking mistake I made: trying to measure the input to output with an ohm meter is not going to work with this sort of router.

Everything is of course transformer de-coupled. In hindsight I don't know what I was thinking trying to measure it that way I soldered some test connections to 2 DB25 connectors and send a 1000Hz to the VIA32 input, connecting an active speaker to the output.

All the switching that we programmed salvo's for worked. Greetings, Thierry.

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