Gpib 82335 Drivers
I'm not sure if any of the NI utilities will work with the HP GPIB card. I know you can use use HP cards through LabVIEW however I haven't seen any indication that that the utilities like VISAIC will work with the HP cards. Haven't ever read that or tried it. Are you able to use the higher level VISA VIs in LabVIEW to communicate with the instruments by sending a *idn?
If you can do that then it seems things are set up correctly, it may just be a matter of not being able to use VISAIC with a non NI card. I use HPIB cards all the time. They never show up in MAX. Load the HP I/O Libraries and HP VISA. Then use the GPIB VISA drivers in Labview with the 'standard' naming practices: GPIB0::2::INSTR. The Brotherhood In Saffron Pdf To Jpg. This should be card GPIB0 if it is the first GPIB card in the system (not the PCI slot number).

[Linux-gpib-general] HP 82335 and Debian 8: card install OK but cannot communicate with devices. Nov 30, 2008 LabVIEW drivers for Polarization related instruments. The 82335 ISA GPIB card. This was the only GPIB card which is able to interface with the 8509. Download Lagu Malaysia Ukays Bila Diri Disayangi.
GPIB7 should be the 8th GPIB card in the system. Sounds like something is not quite right in the setup you are using. You didn't load NI-VISA with your HP card did you? You need the HP-VISA to get the card to work.
Hi Rob and to all who replied, I got the cards going, they are a pain in the ass but they work. The trick I found that worked for me is to load HP's SICL library and not their VISA, I then enable the NiVisaTulip.dll passport. I also found that the devices connected to the HPIB card were not visible in the early versions of MAX but the in MAX V2.2 they are. Thankyou Tim Rob Cole wrote: >I use HPIB cards all the time.
They never show up in MAX. Load the HP >I/O Libraries and HP VISA. Then use the GPIB VISA drivers in Labview >with the 'standard' naming practices: GPIB0::2::INSTR. This should be >card GPIB0 if it is the first GPIB card in the system (not the PCI >slot number).
GPIB7 should be the 8th GPIB card in th e system. Sounds >like something is not quite right in the setup you are using. You >didn't load NI-VISA with your HP card did you? You need the HP-VISA to >get the card to work.
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