Dtm Experience Game Download
RaceRoom - DTM Experience 2015 steam key Developed with input from real DTM drivers such as Bruno Spengler and Daniel Juncadella, the DTM Experience 2015 builds on the success of previous DTM experiences and adds all the 2015 cars from Audi, BMW and Mercedes as well as refined physics, improved sounds and updated tracks. This is the pinnacle of high tech touring car racing. Recreated to the smallest details, these DTM cars are faster than ever, and now they are yours to tame. So buckle up and take on the 2015 challenge. Features all 2015 regulations and of course action.
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The DTM Experience 2015 DLC is based on the popular German Touring Car series 'DTM' (Deutsche Tourenwagen-Masters). It contains all cars, teams and tracks of. Buy RaceRoom - DTM Experience 2015 PC game key from Green Man Gaming Now. Official retailer and remember to sign in for our best price.
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I don’t really care about the multiplayer. Theres more than enough options for that. I wanted this as an offline game and that’s what I will use it for.
Looks like this community only looks for what flaw they can point out in games just to complain. $50 is too expensive for a video game, I don’t like the brake markers. With that attitude i wouldn’t be surprised if developers get tired of working on sim racing games only to read complains online. How much is a PS4 game?
I love the DTM and I love sim racing. If anything, we need more titles like this for every major racing series no game will ever be perfect and i prefer a solid foundation on which to build upon than nothing at all. Thanks SIMBIN for making this game a reality and i look forward to the 2014 version and the version after that. Firstly, don’t shout at me. Secondly, I only support content-makers that respect me.
The decision-makers at Simbin belong in the loony bin for leaving RR unsupported for so long, then charging this much for a niche product with unknown AI and no multiplayer racing. If you buy it, you’re telling them they’re on the right track. I used to like Simbin and I love DTM, and I hope this fails miserably so that they wake up. I’ll be buying the rF2 T5 mod instead, even if I feel it’s overpriced. Why do you say I am shouting at you? I will keep supporting all sim racing games (even if they are not perfect) because I have been playing since the original Test Drive and Stunts, also Indycar 1 & 2, and Microprose Grand Prix games on PC and I am grateful for the long way we have come. DTM Experience is not the best racing game ever, but I wanted to have a DTM game (also WTCC, Indycar, WEC, etc) and i got one.
Next year’s version will be better and it will keep evolving. I can dispose of $50 in exchange for a few hours of fun. If we stop buying games because of the color of the brake markers or any particular missing feature then every sim dev will go out of business. It’s not about mistakes, money or complaints. Simbin is rushing this out, physics is R3E, tracks (most anyway) are tracks they’ve had for years. R3E is still not being developed, only adding tracks and cars for revenue which is fine, but still no server for multiplayer, not even LAN support.
Eventually we need to push back I’ve spent well over 100US on R3E not going 55US more for the same game, a few other tracks and 3 cars which are 90% alike! Sorry Simbin, you’ll have to provide more before I support you further!
If I did this type work as an engineer I would be released and I certainly never say, I’m tired of complaints! The clients is right, remember we’re clients! Cars/tracks are made by artist.MP and Gameplay made by Coders. So yes you will see tracks and cars added to the game, as you will also see features, optimisations, gameplay and eventually MP added to R3E.
Art is just something you can see and feel, coding not he other hand is something “hidden” but that does not mean that we are not developing the platform as a whole. 6 out of 9 tracks are newly developed and most of them scratch made or largely redone. But to no surprises they look exactly like the old tracks, main reason is that the tracks haven’t changed at all in real life. So you can’t expect the track to look completely different But yeah as much as we have like to add Multiplayer 3 months ago, as I have said before, I rather catch some sh*t for not having it, then release a bad MP experience.
Which IMO is much much worse. Again, this is the first I heard of itand I read just about every post. Passively mentioning it in a comments section isn’t going to get the word out. Why isn’t that on the product page when someone goes to check it out? It may be a reason to invest, for some. I can care less about the art piece of this, you cannot code another game without either stealing coders from another project or hiring a bigger team (that could have finished R3E before taking on a new project). How does DTM-E help with getting the MP into R3E?
Yea, thought so. Well let’s hope they get it right because you guys will suffer the most. This is basically an expansion which you use to sell for way less for Race 07. If it’s the publisher Kick them to the curb because they are committing marketing suicide. What do you need them for anyway in the digital DL world? You will always be a class act in my book even with your cut on Ian but you cannot ignore he has the ability to make things happen when things are stretched a bit!
I hope you guys can do the same but a restructure is in order. This was answered in one of our Q&A videos. Short version, we wanted to get rid of the pop-up brake markers as we used in our old games. But we did not want to loose the ability for new/novice users to get “lost” on the track. We are now looking into making it an option to use the big coloured ones or the “normal” ones. But since this is a re-design it takes some time to implement.
There are plenty of people that do use them, and plenty that don’t see them (anymore). So doing a quick swap would only cater to the vocal minority and potentially awaken the anger of the people that do use them. Either way someone is going to be unhappy about it. On many levels this looked like it was a real bargain, then the bombshell of no multiplayer dropped into the mix.
What on earth is going on with this SimBin engine that seems to prevent this right now? Doesn’t matter a jot to me personally, as I am predominantly an offline racer, but this will clearly hurt sales. The proximity of the GT6 launch might not help matters either. The good news is that there’s a free 2014 upgrade, with online play, for early adopters. I will be at the front of the line when this launches in a day or so, and hope someone modifies those silly markers with the speed of light. Really looking forward to racing at Zeltweg!!!
What a difference a few weeks makes! I’ve gone from highly anticipating this game to disappointment and disdain. Simbin looked set to deliver a solid product that would sell very well for them. This initially looked like a nice change of direction for Simbin after the impending failure that is R3E and lack of GTR3, the game the fans wanted all along. The price is significantly higher than GSC2013 and offers less content, thus less value. GSC is also clearly a better simulation.
The DTM licence was presumably expensive and this cost is being passed on to the consumer. No online is unforgivable in this day and age, especially given the price of this game. There are also a few question marks over the driving physics, AI behaviour and aracde concessions like the ridiculous brake markers. Simbin are off my radar as a credible developer of racing simulations. Take the ‘sim’ part out of the title and the ‘bin’ is all DTM-E and R3E are fit for. Sigh This community is getting rather ridiculous.
If you read trough the posts long term, it becomes clear that 75% of commentators don’t really like anything out there. That leads me to believe that it can only be caused by two things. Part of the community has the wrong hobby, and does not have a clue of the topic at hand B: big part of this community is just talking St for the sake of it. Its a free world, but its amazing really if you dislike, or even hate something, it must be debatable. On the other hand, when you just about dislike everything, then its a no-brainer. The problem is not the product, but you.
( There i said it start flaming) •. While I would agree with you if it was any other game outside of a recent simbin one, you have to admit that it is puzzling that a company that was a trialblazer back in the early 2000 is reduced to selling a game with fewer features of ones they released 10 years ago. I guarantee you that if they had released a graphically and sound updated GTR2, based on the old Gmotor2 engine (kind of like what Reiza has been doing) the community would have been much happier. Sure, some might have complained about the “dated engine” but that engine allowed all of us to race online, in SP and MP as we pleased and I ‘ll bet that if given the choice between the current offerings and an updated GTR3 using an updated GTR2 framework, the “community” would not hesitate in their choice.
No, the problem is companies putting out half finished products. And in this case, 2 half finished products. So, maybe you are right in that I don’t really like anything out there. I enjoy PCars, but it isn’t finished so I cannot enjoy it to the fullest.
I have AC, but haven’t touched it since the first weekend.because it is unfinished (sorry, I already do plenty of solo hot lapping in PCars). Same story, partial product that now is sharing the developers with DTM-E. Decided to wait when the “Beta” (?!) was released, glad I did being it still isn’t anywhere near where it needs to be. Guess that leaves me with GSC and the old sims.
Wow, talk about ridiculous! The problem is the state of the industry, not us. Go ahead and apologize for the developers all you want, doesn’t change the situation we are in. Well, I downvoted your comment, because I believe that’s not true.
For my part, I like to play online against other real simracers. From Simbin I have expected a multiplayer sim, like Race07, GTR2, GTR or GTL.
Those games were excellent and complete. A year ago I loved the idea from R3E, and really would like to play the game and pay for it. Because it was a Simbin game, and I knew what I could get from this company. But after a while, still without MP, it didn’t make no sense for me anymore. Even now, when supposably the beta stage has come to its end, they still advertise, and I quote, with “online competitions” on RR’s website. Link: This way you could expect a worthy multiplayer game from Simbin, and not some semi-online game with old-fashioned leaderboards. Now with DTM-E, it’s practically the same “letdown”, unfortunately.
I think Raceroom/Simbin is the actual “problem”, and not the community or just me for that matter. I’m really uncertain about Simbin’s future plans. What are Simbins plans actually, when are they going to finish their products?
On the 1st of April 2014 (April Fools’ day), when the “pre-order” offer for DTM-E has ended? In december 2014?
Or are they already finished? Do you know that? I sure do not. But that’s okay with me: I can wait. In the meantime, I enjoy my multiplayer racing games like iR, rF or the “golden oldies” from Simbin. Untill then, I won’t pay for another racing game, if it doesn’t contain the features which I really need. Not later, on release.
We have never said it would be two different games, it was a rumour that spread somewhere/somehow like a fact. We have tried and said several times that was not the case though. But its hard for the most people to focus on facts sometimes and not believe everything says not he internet! But the integration is quite easy and in broad terms it works like this. New User When you are new to gaming/racing (R3E) you get a standalone experience from DTM Experience. When you click the shortcut not he desktop you will launch directly into the DTM Experience and the new menu system (not the one front he demo).
R3E user When you are already an R3E Member and get the DTM Experience, the game integrates into the R3E Base and in the Menu a new DTM button will appear from there you will seamlessly transfer into the “Experience” part of R3E. You will still get a desktop shortcut to go directly to the DTM Experience, just in case you might want it 😉 •. What are you talking about?! Do this: -Type in “DTM Experience” into Google -Click on the first hit that comes up (your product homepage) -Click on any one of the 6 shortcuts (excluding DTM.com) and look for ANY mention of R3E. (Hint: not even one instance of it) -Come back and explain again how you have tried to highlight that it is tied to R3E I didn’t see any rumors, just the fact that there has been zero effort (until this comment section) that I can find that ties the two together. You call it a ‘rumor’, I call it poor marketing.
We have said this in one of the Q&A’s to my knowledge and posted in our social media. The information about the ties to R3E are not on the DTM Experience website since that site is completely focussed on DTM and new users. Not to already exciting r3e users. It is not a fluke, it is by design/request so you may think we did not do a good job there, but since its nowhere to be found, we did our job well You are ofcourse entitled to your “zero effort” opinion.
But we as a developer roam the forums frequently and respond where we see fit. And myself and other developers are here and other sites to respond to questions where needed.
For the rest marketing efforts etc are mainly a responsibility of the publisher not the developer. We do our bit where we can and will provide support to these tasks where required. Social media??? You do have a website to get youre customers familiar with youre products dont you? R3E and DTM experience seem to completly diferent products, atleast youre trying to sell them separetly but than youre putting them into one?
Clear that on the website, shop where that is beeing sold. Im not sure how many of youre customers are, or will follow every word on those social sites. Im sorry Jay but the dtm experience site makes it more clear that the game is completly standalone, wich even demos showed sofar. You asked I answered. As said al marketing efforts and communication are done by DTM and our publisher, we/simbin developed the game on their behalf. We are very proud to have DTM in R3E, and the Experience part is completely focussed on DTM, just as any license holder would love to see it, its completely and only about DTM. The DTM/R3E ties ill show themselves to already exciting users, we have never said it would be a standalone game.
On the contrary we have said here and else where that it wouldn’t. Well you should be proud to have DTM, why not? I can only wish you best on that but im saying that more public clarification would be good from start and still there is none actually.
YOure posting here around under 100 comments few things nobody will read ever and they are still not clear. Overall you guys-simbin made most of comercial for the dtm game and didnt try to clarify it to potential customers. How come rummors actually evolved? Simple, not a single real clarification from you or dtm actually except that the dtm experience site offer more of standalone game, none steam and free of r3e to. The only word there is publisher and that is raceroom, so it that now another company or what? I have no clue actually now who is what. I just dont understand it, so as many others dont.
Hi Jay, Can you or someone else please explain on what is going on? I bought game couple nights ago and I see that it is available now, but there is nothing in my email inbox to notify me that I can start downloading it as a standalone game.
I did went ahead and downloaded DTM experience icon. When I started it, it took me to Steam which was no problem and then it started downloading Racing Room Experience. I thought that this is a Standalone game. Why do I need to download the whole thing? It seems that my steam account is downloading whole night and it is still going on.
Someone mention that we need to download 15 gig of data. Is this true for standalone game? Another thing is that I am still waiting for an email to tell me that I am able to play. My worry is that I ll have to wait till this large data is being downloaded and installed on my steam account and then I won’t be able to play it anyway. Can you please clear my confusion.
Did you restart your computer before launching it? It asked me to restart, but I barely noticed it. If I tried to launch it it would have black screened on me. I encountered this before with other games, but it is really sloppy to have you restart the computer since most games don;t require it. EDIT: I am getting the same thing.
Black screen and then a crash. It creates a.dmp file that I am unable to read. I also moved it to the top level of my hard drive.
My next step will be to install it in program files to see if that’s the cause. It happened to me with another game that wouldn’t work unless it was in the program files folder. I figured out what was wrong: I had to install the demo in the program files folder. At first I installed it in my “Gaming” drive in my “Games” folder, where I keep all my games. That didn’t work. Then I tried installing it in the top level of my D drive. Ditto: black screen and crash.
Finally I installed it in C: under “Program files” and it now works. It wasn’t good though. FFB is gone, at least the first demo had it but now I can barely feel some faint vibration here and there.
Even the sound is not as awesome as their other cars. I certainly won’t buy it for $50. When it comes down to $20, maybe. Otherwise it’s GTR2 and GSC 2013 for me all the way. Can You Download Spotify Songs To Ipod Nano. I’m running on a G25 and I have rotation on the desktop to 900 degrees, 100% overall effects strength. Spring 0%, Damper 0% and centering 1%.
I also used Logitech profiles and set the brake axis to 60 for sensitivity, a dead zone of 3. In Assetto Corsa, steering 900 degrees, gain to 75%, filter 0%, Damping 0%, Kerb effects 125%, Road effects 150%, slip effects 75%, Gamma setting 1% brake gamma 3.80%. Feels great to me.
I can feel all sorts of things with these settings, nothing that I wouldn’t feel irl. Torrent Fringe Season 2 Episode 1. I am still experimenting. Hope this helps. They seemed to have a hard time taking the last turn and were all wobbly for me so I could pass them easily.
Everywhere else, they seemed fine, but who knows? I wonder if the Get Real mode affects the AI directly or if there will be a separate setting. I coud run the first demo on High with a 560 SE, so I was surprised that adding a few cars on track at once had me turn the settings to Low just to get rid of the stuttering. From what you’re saying, it looks like a software issue. Jay has said again that the arrows will be changeable, but they also said Raceroom would have AI and multiplayer, and that was a year ago. I’m not racing with those things there, that’s for sure.
I’m surprised DTM didn’t veto that stupid decision. Yes the original demo was fine, but then one car and a track shouldn’t impose an insurmountable load on a reasonably up to date high end PC. I don’t measure FPS, I judge a game by how smooth it appears to the eye and there were more than a couple of occasions when it looked as if it was struggling a bit. That may be demo code, but seeing as this demo is pretty fresh that is a concern. The worry has to be if it’s doing that in free practice, what’s a grid start going to be like. EDIT: Disabling VSync made things a lot smoother. The attraction for me here is purely and simply that I love DTM and I’m all for supporting any developer that releases a game that properly simulates a real world series.
In this case I don’t think the license deals were that expensive. But I think ITR, DTM’s license holder, would like to have their share from the sales. П˜‰ My thoughts about this game and its content, is also nothing but an expensive addon for R3E, nothing more, nothing less.
But for a stand-alone racing game, I believe the content provides too little enticement, especially for the big masses and or the dtm-fans who also like to play racing games on a regularly basis. I also think, most people will expect a game with the same settings like F1 2013 (with all the pit, garage, start scenes, etc.). That is what most players would expect from a real “DTM-Experience”. In the state this game is right now, or in the next year, I don’t believe the game will provide enough entertainment, so that it will tie the players for a long time. But I hope I am wrong. It only says that this “2013/14 Season”-offer will end on the 31th of March.
Nothing more. When do you expect the next installment will come out? On the 1st of April (April Fools’ Day)?
П˜‰ Another question: what do you all think, what the new DTM-E 2014 will contain, besides the promised MP? – 2 New tracks: Hungary and China? – New models? Probably not.
Right now, it doesn’t look like a real deal to me. П˜‰ That offer can wait. I think I am going to wait until the MP-mode is finally there. Initial thoughts are surprisingly positive. What I like most is that you are very aware you are driving a 500bhp teutonic tin top. I’d say the cars handle about perfectly and the sounds are quite convincing, adding a lot to immersion. Just completed a full race weekend at Hockenheim.
AI behaved itself quite well – had the odd bash but they may have all been caused by me. Frame rate on full everything, full field, using a GTX 770 OC 4GB is fine with the odd very slight loss of smoothness with Vsync on, but certainly better than the demo versions.
One would expect this to improve with patching – it doesn’t spoil the fun at all right now, but could be tweaked further. I hardly ever race online, so the lack of MP in this version matters not a jot to me, although for many potential buyers it’s a 24kt. Showstopper, and understandably so. The bizarre and idiotic colored markers I don’t need to elaborate on – may they be fixed quickly. There doesn’t seem to be any pit stop option, though I may have missed it.
Not the end of the earth either, but would be nice if it were in there. A shame, too, that there’s no obvious replay save, as the replays are really nicely done and show off the absolutely first class modeling standards. Some of the nicest looking cars in sim racing, Assetto and PCars included. Bottom line, if you’re on the fence and can live without MP, I’d say go for this right now.
It feels and looks like the real DTM, a race series I really love, so for me it’s well worth the entry fee. Your opinion of this kind of racing will have a very direct relationship to your view of this title.
I’m just stoked to be able to race this series in an official sim on my PC. BTW – make sure you set force feedback effects to full – helps the driving feel a lot. Hi Chris, Did you wait for the email confirmation or you downloaded through steam? I left my computer to download RRE at steam after I started DTM experience icon that I previously downloaded. It took me to steam and it automatically started downloading RRE. Do I really need to download whole RRE before I am able to play DTM as stand alone? And even if I download RRE, do I still need to wait for my email confirmation.
I got the code when I bought it two days ago. It is this code that I need to enter? Hi there, from what I can see you have to download RRE. There is a separate icon on the desktop that allows you to directly access DTM but I think it has to have the RRE infrastructure in place to work at all. This wasn’t a particular problem from my point of view. I was hoping one could race the DTM cars on the other RRE tracks, but that doesn’t seem possible right now – would be a great addition. The redeem code you got when you placed your order is the one that you should use to activate DTM within the RRE interface.
I do think they’ve made a right pigs ear of explaining that clearly and unambiguously. Once you get through all of that there’s a very good sim in there. Not exactly Assetto Corsa earth shattering, but very absorbing to race and keeps you coming back for more. I like it a lot and think it is worth the money – not everyone is going to agree with that, however, because of the absence of multiplayer in this version.
DTM fans, of which I am one, are simply going to lap it up, if you see what I mean 🙂 •. I went strait into championship and had the same issue with AI being slow. I started getting away from them so I went to next race – Brands Hatch. They seemed bit faster, but I still ended first in the practice. I have to play more before I can give my opinion on AI adjusting itself to my speed. Pros: Nice feel, no stuttering.
I have GT 760 2 gig card. My vsync was on. Tracks look nice. Cars look very nice and detailed. Leaderboard was tempting.
Only had an hour of play. Cons: Car seems too easy to drive, in get real mode. Maybe it is my settings. Is there a way to turn traction control off? Maybe I missed it as I rushed through menu being keen to play. In game menu, I am missing pictures of drivers and Tracks.
Anybody else having this issue. Like for BMW, I don’t have any drivers pics.
Just blank screen next to their name. And in tracks I have only picture of Hockenheim. Ah ah, it’s going to be F1 2013 all over again. You’re basically telling people to pay over 50$ for a true DTM experience in which there are no pit stops, a game that requires online-DRM for a single-player game, that’s integrated into RaceRoom on Steam even though that’s not disclosed on the website, with an adaptive AI that you cannot set yourself. Is there even a way to lock the brakes in Get Real mode or can you still just stand on the brakes while turning? You seem to have a track record of justifying your purchases to save face.
Don’t drag other people into it. I just feel terrible for people who have spent close to 100$ in RR and have to buy this to get any kind of racing. In a game that can’t even use the content they already have. I love the DTM. I hate this package and your “review”. Had to prove you wrong on that.
Nice replays, though. And how come people are only uploading races with 12-car grids? Is the full field making the game stutter more? There should be room for a range of opinions on here and what I write is my own personal perspective.
I simply don’t care if it flies in the face of general consensus. I live in a country where free expression of opinion is written into our constitution and I live by that. In the case of DTM, it has some real merit in terms of what I am looking for in a tin top sim. As I said, the DTM look and feel is very well captured and, for all its shortcomings, this passes my litmus test of being a title I will come back to a lot. I am not telling anyone to do anything.
I could care less what other people do with their money. If they find the review useful that’s great, but in the end everyone needs to make their own assessment across a range of reviews, if that’s what they are basing their purchase on. Nobody thinks exactly alike.
I see a lot of complaints that the price is too high. It’s actually less than any new console title is on launch and, given its focus on a very popular race series that will require some seriously expensive rights payments, it’s not too bad. Not great value, but acceptable. Like all titles, it has its flaws and, sure, there are some big ones right now.
I mention most of them in my review, including one or two that you didn’t mention, presumably because you don’t actually own the full version. The adaptive AI clearly needs longer than one evening session on DTM Experience to decide how good or bad it is. I will come back to that. Hopefully this is the start of a long and successful franchise for SimBin and we’ll see the majority of issues addressed either in a patch or the next full version, which will be free for early(ish) adopters by the way. I also think that the tracks are causing the stutters.
Which are very slight and not exactly a showstopper. To illustrate that, they seem more obvious on certain circuits than others and, from what I can see, it has something to do with the amount of peripheral scenery being loaded. To illustrate that, the Red Bull Ring is completely stutter free and that has the fewest buildings etc. Being rendered. Another clue is that full car grids didn’t seem to make any difference. Hopefully this is something SimBin can dial out.
Thanks kenpat. There are a few serious shortcomings with this title, but when you actually race it you tend to forget about those, as it does a super job of immersing you in the DTM atmosphere. No the markers are still there, but there is a promise from SimBin that there will be a realistic option down the road somewhere. I don’t like the current markers, actually make that hate them, but again there is too much good going on to get wound up about what is, at the end of the day, a small issue that will get sorted one way or another. In terms of making you change your mind, I’d say kick around here, Race Department and YouTube and evaluate a few opinions and ask if you’d be happy with an imperfect, but in my view extremely absorbing, title.
No pitstops I’m afraid. Your attitude to this title will directly stem from if you find this to be an insurmountable hurdle or not.
In my view it’s a huge disappointment that it isn’t in there, but this is the first edition of this franchise, so I guess one should cut a certain amount of slack – not a generous appraisal everyone will share, of course. The rest of it is pretty accurate to the actual DTM weekend and you can run full length races, although no in race save feature as yet – again disappointing from the makers of GTR2, which I still race, not least because you can save your progress. The cars are beautifully modeled and the sounds are fabulous, like they are in RRE. The adaptive AI is improving, but still needs work. I’m enjoying it still, but expecting a quantum leap in features in the 2014 version, which at least I will get for free. If there’s no pitstops but you can run a full weekend, then it tells me that the tire model is terrible and the fuel cell is way too big. The real tires are not designed to last a full race and they have to fuel up 2 times.
It’s a lot of money to pay for a game that misses the mark so badly. Does it have DRS at least? Online is unproven and in the past, Simbin has been spotty with the online quality. Anyway, thanks for the review, I know now to avoid this. I’ll stick with the rF2 DTM mod by Alless.