Bentley Nevada Adre 408 Manual Transfer


Specifications and Ordering Information Part Number 172179-01 Rev. D (10/07) Page 1 of 27 Bently Nevada™ Asset Condition Monitoring ADRE® Sxp/408 DSPI Description ADRE Sxp Software and the 408 DSPi (Dynamic Signal Processing Instrument) make up a highly scalable system for multi-channel signal processing and data acquisition. Unlike other general-purpose computer-based data acquisition systems, ADRE Sxp and the 408 DSPi are specifically designed for real-time highly parallel signal processing and presentation.

Manual adre 408. ADRE Sxp also supports all previous ADRE for Windows databases. Select Start >Programs >Bently Nevada >ADRE.

This extremely versatile system incorporates the functionality of many types of instrumentation, such as oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, filters, signal conditioners, and digital recorders into a single platform. The system is designed specifically for corporate network environments, allowing it to operate remotely across a LAN/WAN, or store data in full “stand-alone” mode without an additional/external computer. Additional equipment is seldom, if ever, needed. The system’s real-time display capability permits it to continuously display data independently of data being stored to permanent memory. For established ADRE system users, ADRE Sxp also supports all previous ADRE for Windows databases. An ADRE Sxp data acquisition system consists of:.

One (up to four)* 408 Dynamic Signal Processing Instrument(s). ADRE Sxp client software, and. A computer system capable of running ADRE Sxp software. The 408 DSPi is fully portable or can be rack mounted allowing convenient operation in test stands, on-site, or at remote locations. The 408 DSPi’s highly configurable design supports virtually all standard and non-standard input types including both dynamic transducer signals (such as those from proximity probes, velocity transducers, accelerometers, and dynamic pressure sensors), and static signals (such as process variables from transmitters and distributed control systems. For rotating machinery applications, users can provide a Keyphasor® or other speed input signal (such as that from a magnetic or optical transducer) to drive synchronous sampling and order tracking.

Bentley Nevada Adre 408 Manual Transfer

The system also supports multiple triggering modes for automated data acquisition, allowing you to use the system as a data or event logger without an operator present. The Client-Server architecture allows multiple software clients to operate and simultaneously view data from single/multiple 408 DSPi systems simultaneously, permitting users to independently view data in the fundamental measurement units of their choice.

Bentley Nevada Adre 408 Manual Transfer

Software installation and configuration are quick and easy, allowing mass configuration of multiple channels with minimal user intervention. Configuration templates further simplify the process, allowing the user to install the software, produce a configuration, and begin capturing data in minutes. Notes: (*) Connecting multiple 408 DSPi systems supported in future. All hardware connectivity is currently in place. 408 DSPi Overview Specifications and Ordering Information Part Number 172179-01 Rev.

D (10/07) Each 408 DSPi supports up to 4 sampling cards for up to 32 channels of data acquisition. Up to 4 408 DSPi units can be connected for a total of 128 channels of dynamic data processing and storage. The 408 DSPi base system uses internal clocks and simulated speed/Keyphasor signals to support both asynchronous and synchronous sampling for all channels. Speed Input/Trigger cards support up to 3 independent speed input channels for external speed inputs. Each Speed Input/Trigger card uses 1 available slot. Free Download Mp3 Song Powerless By Linkin Park there. Digital Replay Card (168907 – AA – BB) Specifications and Ordering Information Part Number 172179-01 Rev.

D (10/07) The Digital Replay Card provides simultaneous synchronous and asynchronous internal digital reprocessing and playback of all channels in the 408DSPi. The replay card maintains exceptional accuracy and precision in the signal reprocessing that far surpasses the capabilities of other equipment and reprocessing techniques.

The digital replay card can play back raw data for all channels simultaneously including Keyphasor/speed and dynamic sampler inputs. Users can modify all sampling.

Specifications Specifications and Ordering Information Part Number 172179-01 Rev. D (10/07) 408 DSPi Typical specifications are provided for a temperature of +25 °C ± 3 °C (+77 °F ± 5.4 °F ) except where noted. Data Storage Capacity Internal - 130GB External - Multi Terabyte via external U320 SCSI drive array (requires configuration changes, please contact Bently Nevada technical support for details specific to your needs). Communication: Dual 1000/100Mb RJ45 Ethernet Ports Protocol - TCP/IP DHCP or Fixed IP addressing LAN/WAN compatible Signal Conditioning - General 8 Channel Dynamic Sampling. Bandpass Measurement Accuracy Specifications and Ordering Information Part Number 172179-01 Rev.

Using Goldwave To Convert Audible Files To Ipod. D (10/07) Specification are exclusive of filter corner settings and transition regions. Filter values specified @ -3 db points.

Non-RMS, Non-Integrated Amplitude 1 Hz to 50kHz ( 60 to 3M rpm ) ± 1% of Full Scale Input1 Non-RMS Integrated, RMS Integrated Amplitude 1 Hz to 20kHz ( 60 to 1.2M rpm ) ± 1% of Full Scale Input1 Bandpass Filter Selections (Typical) Butterworth 2 Pole ( -40 db/decade ) 4 Pole ( -80 db/decade ) 6 Pole ( -120 db/decade ) 8 Pole ( -160 db/decade ) Range High Pass 1 Hz to 25.5kHz. All Condition Monitoring and Protection catalogues and technical brochures.

The next generation ADRE® Sxp is a completely redesigned data acquisition system combining GE's hardware capability with the new Sxp software platform. The new system consists of the 408 Dynamic Signal Processing instrument (DSPi) and ADRE Sxp software. Highly portable, ADRE Sxp is designed to meet the changing needs of various fleet asset management programs as well as all other industries where speed and flexibility in data collection are a must.

ADRE Sxp can operate stand-alone in test stands, and with its remote viewing and operating capabilities, offers users large potential savings on unnecessary travel expenses.

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